00 23/05/2005 17:35
Sicuramente un grande classico, il libro e' un capolavoro, il film pure.
Pero'... e purtroppo aggiungo un pero' personale, i film li ho trovati troppo lenti e un pochino noiosi, malgrado il coinvolgimento emotivo legato alla trama.

Li avrei riassunti in modo un po' meno statico, ma e' un'opinione personale.
Egyptian texts in the wisdom tradition first appeared in the Twelfth Dynasty and were often attributed to respected people of the past. For example, the Instruction of Ptahhotep gives practical advice:

Do not be proud of being wise.
Consult with the ignorant as with the wise.
The limits of art have not been attained;
there is no artist fully equipped with his excellence.

- CUT -

[Modificato da Salkaner 23/05/2005 18.55]